Upcoming Community Engagement Activities
Heyyy Ontario! Our team is headed out to your neck of the woods for nearly a full week of community engagement events in November, and we're excited to cross paths with as many of you as possible. You'll find us at the Festival of Trees, Frosty Fest, and (if you're a child or teacher) at Alameda Elementary from November 16-19. It'll be a blast, and there may be Red Apple gift cards involved if you end up on Santa's nice list ;)
As part of our trip, I'd like to cordially invite you to an informal happy hour at Fiesta Guadalajara on November 16th from 5:00 - 6:30pm. We'll supply the drinks and appetizers, and you can come meet our team, see who else from the community is connected to the project, and learn more about what we'll be up to in Ontario over the next couple of years. There's no agenda—just some good ol' fashioned community building.
Feel free to reach out if you've got any questions, and we'll see you in just a few weeks!