The Madras Update
Happy 2023, friends! We hope that you’ve had a joyous start to the new year.
We’re excited to launch a new blog where we regularly post updates about the Madras Community Schoolyard. This is a place where you can check in to see what we are up to and ways to get involved. And of course, we’ll share lots of photos along the way.
Where we’ve been
We’ve been up to a lot of outreach over the last 6 months! Thank you to all our partners who’ve made the first round of work possible. Here’s a quick timeline of events:
School Board Meeting (August)
Madras is one of three communities in Oregon selected to create a community schoolyard with Trust for Public Lands. The School Board approved of the project and signed a letter of support.
Weeklong Madras Elementary School Classroom Visits (November)
We visited every classroom at Madras Elementary and talked to students about the schoolyard. As junior landscape architects, they designed their dream schoolyard -- and their feedback is the foundation of our design. We also got specific feedback from teachers, staff, and Life Skills (thanks for having us!).
Madras Elementary Fall Carnival (November)
We shared students’ work with families and got great feedback.
Community Events (December-January)
We got over 100 comments related to design elements, priorities, and ideas for the schoolyard design. We tabled at the Winter Concert and hosted an event in Spanish with Family University and Public Health (thanks for that collaboration!).
Regular partner meetings and Madras Elementary School check-ins
Madras Elementary School staff and community partners are steering the process. Regular meetings help us know what works and what doesn’t!
School Board approved draft concept! (February)
Jefferson County 509-J School District approved the draft concept that was designed from student and community ideas and feedback.
What’s Next! The team is diving deeper into the concept to start getting more details about school yard structures and costs. We will be traveling around the community to share about the schoolyard to generate excitement, partnerships and support.
Support this program or wondering how to get involved? Please email Lynny Brown at or Jamie Hurd at